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Etter en omfattende konsekvensutredning legges det nå opp til at norske havområder kan åpnes for utforskning og, etter hvert, utvinning av metaller. Det er knyttet mange spørsmål til denne mulige nye næringen. Behøver vi egentlig mineraler og metaller fra dyphavet? Klarer vi å utvinne disse på en lønnsom måte med en akseptabel grad av miljøpåvirkning?
Kantinen i Thormøhlensgate 53D, Bergen
Vi gleder oss til å invitere medlemmer og andre subsea-interesserte til foreningens årlige seminar 26. januar 2023, på Clarion Hotel på Sola. Det 28. seminaret i rekken har temaet “Blue Intelligence”.
Clarion hotel Sola, Stavanger
Presenter ditt selskap for studentene på NTNU. Dette er den perfekte møteplassen for kommunikasjonen mellom bedrifter og våre studenter. På messen får du muligheten til å stå på stand og komme i kontakt med våre fremtidige utfordrere.
NTNU, Trondheim
AOG Energy is held annually in the energy hub of Australia, Perth. For over 40 years it has bought the entire oil, gas and energy supply chain together as a platform for discovering innovation, capabilities and opportunities, supported by major operators, government and industry.
Perth, Australia
Nesten all teknologi kommer via forskningens verden. Ny innsikt og kunnskap etableres ved å benytte ulike systematiske og eksplorative fremgangsmåter som best mulig kan beskrive den virkelige verden. Vi skal på dette hybride arrangementet se på ulike eksplorative AI løsninger som muligens kan bli en hverdagsrealitet i fremtiden.
Media City Bergen, Lars Hilles gate 30, Bergen
15.-21. april 2023 er Bergen stedet for debatt, erfaringsutveksling og opplevelser knyttet til en bærekraftig utnyttelse av havet. Uken starter spektakulært med Statsraad Lehmkuhls hjemkomst fra jordomseilingen The One Ocean Expedition.
Bergen, Norway
During One Ocean Week in Bergen, Norway, we invite you to visit Northern Lights. This is the world’s first open-source CO2 transport and storage infrastructure in Øygarden, just outside Bergen city centre.
The conference will explore collaboration across sectors to bring forth knowledge that is actionable and relevant for solving pressing issues. Academia and other actors in society need to jointly identify challenges and questions that are societally urgent and academically relevant, critically examine our different roles in knowledge production and the tools and frameworks that can enable meaningful cross-sectorial collaboration for actionable knowledge. Finally, we need to reflect on whose voices are included in defining the challenges and as sources of knowledge and wisdom and how we might broaden the debate. By convening a dialogue between academia and public and private actors, the conference aims to take stock of lessons learnt so far and bring forth insights on how we might create viable collaborative partnerships in the future.
Kulturhuset i Bergen, Vaskerelven 8, 5014 Bergen, Norway
Join our panel of experts at this PGS live webinar to find out more about the benefits of using ultra-high resolution 3D seismic for wind farm site characterization. PGS can help ensure safe and efficient development with early access to high-quality data.
FFI and Innovation Norway seek applicants for the Hacking 4 Allies (H4A) program’s annual 2023/24 program cycle. If you define yourself as a Norwegian startup or scaleup company with a value proposition within defense or dual-use technology, join this webinar to learn more.
Join the Technology Forum - Beyound Oil and Gas - Sand Control, Thursday 25 May at Kostad in Bergen.
FourPhase, Bergen, Norway
In view of the upcoming 19 September 2023 deadline for EU Innovation Fund, Nordic Innovators is hosting an informational webinar for funding large decarbonisation investments in energy-intensive industries. Are you looking for funding instruments to de-risk your investments, the EU Innovation Fund programme is a good fit for your company.
It is a pleasure to invite EAGE members and all those with an interest in the future of geoscience and engineering to participate at the EAGE Annual 2023 meeting held in Vienna, the capital of and by far the largest city in Austria. June presents an ideal time to visit Vienna with its historic locations, scenic parks and stellar cuisine. The surrounding geology also offers great opportunities for breath-taking and informative field trips. Join us in Vienna to meet once again with key leaders and professionals in the energy, oil and gas, mining and other subsurface industries.
Vienna, Austria
Når hele Europa skal gjennom den grønne omstillingen, finnes det enorme eksportmuligheter for norske bedrifter. Samtidig påvirker gjeldende og kommende EU-regelverk norske bedrifter og næringsliv. Du vill møte representanter fra Innovasjon Norge sentralt og lokalt, NHO sentralt og lokalt, UD, Eksfin og lokale bedrifter.
Cafe Piren, Nordre Nøstekaien 1, Bergen
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