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Delta på Norges viktigste teknologikonferanse for petroleumssektoren! OG21-forum 2019 tar tak i problemstillingen. Hvordan kan ny teknologi gjøre oss raskere, rimeligere og renere? Hvilke nye teknologier trenger vi for å heve produktiviteten og få ned utslippene?
Oslo Plaza, Oslo
NUI AS, will on behalf of The Association of Operators for Hyperbaric Lifeboat Reception Facilities, hold the next Bergen International Diving Semniar on the 13th and 14th of November 2019.
Scandic Flesland Airport, Bergen
A must-attend annual gathering in North Sea and Europe region for offshore oil and gas industry development. Covering multiple countries, such as Norway, the UK, the Netherlands and Denmark. Covering the whole offshore oil and gas value chain and lifecycle.
UiB, HVL, NHH og NORCE ønsker velkommen til lansering av kunnskapsklyngen Energiomstilling VEST.
Universitetsaulaen, Museplassen 3, Bergen
Europe needs to expand its offshore fleet 10x to meet Europe’s climate objectives for 2050. We all know this. The question is: how do we get there? This November, Europe’s flagship offshore wind event will gather 9,000 participants to drill down on the practical challenges of putting offshore at the core of our energy mix.
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