Business Update and Social Mixer
12. March 2018, 18:00 - 21:00
London, UK
Event registration is closed.

Together with Innovation Norway, DNB and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in London, we invite you to a perfect start to this year’s Oceanology International Conference in London with a business update and social mixer.
Oceanology International brings together the latest technologies and thought leaders in its field. This is the first time Innovation Norway is organising a Norwegian pavilion here and invite interested companies to share this evening at DNBs London office in the heart of City.
18:00 Intro, Hilde Hukkelberg, Director Innovation Norway UK and Ireland
18:05 Learning lessons across industries, Celina Thom, Project Execution Manager Swire Seabed
18:20 Operational Oceanography/Near real time eyes on the Ocean, Steve Hall, Chief Executive Society for Underwater Technology
18:35 Servicing the Ocean Space 4theFUTURE, Leif Håkonsen, Head of Strategy for Ocean Industries DNB
18:50 Technology Transitions in Ocean Industries, Owe Hagesæther, Chief Executive Officer GCE Subsea and Inger M. Graves, Aanderaa Data Instruments
19:10 Social mixer
Participation and Costs
The event is open for all and free of charge.
Register at Innovation Norway Oceanology International 2018.
The event is organised in collaboration with:
Innovation Norway, DNB, Norwegian Embassy
Contact Information