Science Meets Industry Bergen
13. September 2018, 09:00 - 15:00
Universitetsaulaen (entry through Muséhagen) fra Olaf Ryes vei, Bergen
Event registration is closed.

We invite the subsea industry to this meeting place for the offshore wind industry.
Join this seminar, to learn more about future plans and technological needs in the offshore wind market.
09:00 Registration
10:00 Welcome and presentations:
- Opening of Bergen Offshore Wind Centre, Prorector Margareth Hagen, University of Bergen
- Presentation of Bergen Offshore Wind Centre, Speaker tba, University of Bergen
- Title tba, Rune Volla, Research Council of Norway
- Offshore Wind and the Norwegian Political Climate, Liv Kari Eskeland, Deputy representative Parliament (Stortinget) for the Conservative Party, member of the Standing Committee on Energy and the Environment
- Offshore wind, the past and the future, Jan-Fredrik Stadaas, Equinor
11:45 Lunch
12:45 Presentations:
- Experiences from Hywind Scotland and the way forward for Equinor on floating offshore wind, Arne Eik, Equinor
- Aker Solutions and Offshore Wind, status and plans, Astrid Skarheim Onsum, Aker Solutions
- Rain and erosion on turbine blades, Charlotte Bay Hasager, DTU Wind
- MobiFORSK – supporting industry driven research and innovation in Hordaland, Annette F. Stephansen, CMR
15:30 Wrap up and end of seminar
Participation and Costs
The seminar is open for all participants and free of charge, but registration is mandatory.
Registration has now ended.
The seminar is organised in collaboration with:
Norcowe, Bergen Næringsråd, Hordaland Fylkeskommune
Contact Information