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OCEAN TECH 2020 - Webinar and Workshop

26. November 2020, 09:00 - 12:30


Event registration is closed.


We invite you to a webinar and workshop to facilitate increased bilateral collaboration between Germany and Norway within the ocean industries.

The Ocean Industries are of great importance for value creation in Norway and Germany. Some of the world's most high-tech vessels sail under Norwegian and German flags and are built and equipped at Norwegian and German shipyards, with equipment and technology from Norwegian and German suppliers.

Both countries are dependent on offshore energy production and are in the process of building up valuable expertise and positioning themselves for significant production of either bottom-fixed or floating offshore wind in the years to come.

Several visions are currently being developed for the role that the North Sea and the Baltic Sea will play towards 2050 in order to be able to contribute to achieving the climate goals in the Paris Agreement and in the EU's climate policy.

Discussions about developing the North Sea as a hub for hydrogen production or transport based on either renewable wind power or CO2-purified natural gas are prominent in both countries. Both countries also have an interest in developing a predictable framework for the extraction of minerals on the seabed, which is expected to be an important future industry. At the same time, the need to initiate ambitious measures to prevent plastic waste, pollution and destruction of marine ecosystems is increasing.

In short, there is both a need for and opportunities for increased bilateral cooperation on the development and management of the ocean space, and the opportunities will probably only increase in the years ahead.

The webinar and workshop is organized in cooperation with the German Norwegian Chamber of Commerce and Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster Agency.


09.00 Welcome and Introduction, Michael Kern, AHK Norway, Dr. Gisle Nondal, R&D Manager, GCE Ocean Technology and Chairman, German-Norwegian Working Group on Ocean Technologies

  • The Norwegian Government’s Ocean Strategy - Birgit Løyland, Director General, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
  • The German Maritime Strategy and the role of European-wide collaboration and coordination - Anne Jacobs-Schleithoff, Head of Division Maritime Industry, German Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (TBC)

10.00 Low carbon offshore energy

  • Industry Needs – What is needed to enable offshore hydrogen production - Jan Rispens, Managing Director, Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster Agency
  • Aquaventus - Hydrogen Offshore in the German North Sea - Sabine Weth, Country Manager Norway, Kongstein

10.30 Clean Maritime Solutions

  • Energy Transition Outlook: Maritime ETO Forecast - Tore Longva, DNV GL
  • Green shipping: Battery and fuel cell technology - Joachim Hoffmann, global head for H2 and alternative energy concepts, Siemens Energy

11.00 Digitalisation and digital twins

  • Moving towards a data driven maritime industry - Dr. Christian Møller, CTO, Kongsberg Digital
  • Rostock Ocean Initiative - Prof. Dr. Uwe Freiherr von Lukas, Fraunhofer IGD

11.40 Workshops - Exploring potential for cross-border cooperation on concrete projects and initiatives

  • Data and Digitalisation - Facilitator: Thomas Wikberg, Kongsberg Digital
    • Delivering a working infrastructure for data gathering, storage, sharing: challenges, complexity
    • Standardization and integration: initiatives underway
    • Regulations for sharing and deploying data: legal aspects
    • Relevant maritime areas: Autonomous shipping, Port handling, Cargo logistics, Fleet/ Vessel/Equipment performance
  • How to tackle the energy transition in the maritime industry - Facilitator: Hans Anton Tvete, DNV GL
    • Current trends and ongoing projects
    • Discuss technical, sustainable and financial barriers for fleet-wide adoption
    • Explore cross-border collaboration within zero-carbon fuels for shipping
  • Low Carbon Offshore Energy - Facilitator: Dr. Steffen Knodt, Wärtsilä
    • Towards a net-zero energy future - emerging opportunities for German-Norwegian collaboration in the North-Sea
    • Enabling technologies and capabilities for offshore wind, power-to-x / sector coupling and carbon capture
    • Exploring cross-boarder cooperation for representative low carbon offshore energy initiatives and projects

12.20 Wrap up by Dr. Gisle Nondal and Michael Kern

Participation and Costs

The event  is free of charge and open for all.


Register for OCEAN TECH 2020 - Webinar and Workshop



This event is organised in collaboration with:


Contact Information

Bjarte Fagerås

Senior R&D Advisor

Bjarte Fagerås