Marine Minerals – One Day Seminar
03. June 2021, 09:00 - 15:30
Event registration is closed.

Join us to learn more about marine minerals: The ongoing work and the opportunities and challenges arising within this emerging industry.
The interest for marine minerals is increasing as the legislation is moving forwards and the exploration activities show promising results.
GCE Ocean Technology and Norwegian forum for Marine Minerals (NMM) have joined forces to create a great programme for you at our digital One-Day Seminar.
Session 1 – Legal framework
09:00 Welcome and introduction, Jon O. Hellevang, R&D Manager GCE Ocean Technology.
09:05 Opening speak, Tina Bru, Norwegian Minister of Petroleum and Energy
09:10 Management of marine minerals on the Norwegian continental shelf, Cecilie Myklatun, Chief Specialist Norwegian Minstry of Petroleum and Energy.
09:25 International legislation status and timeline, Harald Brekke, Senior Geologist Norwegian Petroleum Directorate and Chair of the Legal and Technical Commission International Seabed Authority (ISA).
09:40 Insight from Portugal's on marine minerals, Prof. Miguel Miranda, President of IPMA, Portugal’s national ocean laboratory.
09:55 Experience from the Cook Island licensing round, Jens Laugesen, Chief Specialist Environmental Risk Management, DNV.
10:10 Q&A/panel discussion with session speakers
10:30 Break
Session 2 - Resource Potential and Exploration Technology
10:45 Status on the Norwegian resource mapping Sissel H. Eriksen, Senior Advisor Exploration, Norwegian Petroleum Directorate.
11:00 Experience from the world's first coil tubing cooring operation for marine minerals exploration, Bjarne Neumann, Managing Director, TIOS.
11:15 New technology in seafloor massive sulfides exploration, John Parianos, Manager Exploration, DSMF.
11:30 Exploration technology for the future, Anette Tvedt, CEO, ADEPTH Minerals.
11:45 Q&A/panel discussion with session speakers.
12:05 Lunch
Session 3 - Environmental Aspects
12:35 The role of marine minerals in a sustainable future, Peter Haugan, Programme Director Institute of Marine Research and Co-chair of the Ocean Panel Expert Group.
12:50 What do we know and not know about the deep sea environment, Pedro Ribeiro, Researcher, University of Bergen.
13:05 Experiences to gain from the petroleum industry, Arne Myhrvold, Senior Advisor Sustainability, Equinor.
13:20 In too deep? Karoline Andaur, CEO WWF Norway.
13:35 Q&A/panel discussion with session speakers
13:55 Break
Session 4 - Autonomous Systems and Production Technology
14:10 Robotics and Autonomous System for marine minerals, Eduardo Silva, Robotics Unit Coordinator, INESC TEC.
14:25 Autonomous mapping of seafloor massive sulfides and monitoring of production activities, Alden Denny, Researcher, University of Bergen.
14:40 Marine minerals production concept for the future, Tore Halvorsen, Technology and Operations, Loke Marine Minerals.
14:55 Vertical transport systems using centrifugal pumps, Wiebe Boomsma, Manager Product Development, IHC Mining.
15:10 Q&A/panel discussion with session speakers
15:30 End of programme
*Changes in the programme might occur.
Participation and Costs
The event is open for all and free of charge.
Register for the Marine Minerals - One-Day-Seminar.
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