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Webinar: Energy Islands

24. March 2022, 10:00 - 11:00


Event registration is closed.


Energy Islands could be an important contribution towards a net-zero future. Join our webinar to learn about the Danish plans for energy islands, what energy islands could look like in a Norwegian context and what the possibilities could be for the offshore industry.

Several countries are looking towards energy islands to meet the growing needs for clean energy. Denmark is currently planning the construction of two energy islands to serve as hubs that can create better connections between energy generated from offshore wind and the energy systems in the region around the islands.

The two energy islands are to be completed in 2030 and will be able to supply 5GW of power – enough to meet the average electricity consumption of 5 million households.

Join our webinar to learn more about the Danish plans and timeline for energy islands, what energy islands could look like in a Norwegian context, the work on hybrid connections and meshed grids in the North Sea and what the possibilities could be for the Norwegian offshore industry.


10:00 Welcome and introduction, Karianne Kojen Andersen, Innovation Manager, GCE Ocean Technology
10:05 Perspectives to the Danish Energy Islands, Hanne Storm Edlefsen, VP Energy Islands, Energinet
10:25 What could energy islands look like in a Norwegian context, Idar Gimmestad, Senior Analyst, Statnett
10:45 Q&A
11:00 Seminar ends

If you have any questions you would like to ask the presenters, please send them in advance to

Participation and Costs

The event is free of charge and open for everyone.

A link to the webinar describing how to proceed will be sent out well in advance of the webinar.


Register by Thursday 24 March 08:00.


The webinar is organised in cooperation with