Unlock growth in your company
31. January 2023, 17:00 - 19:30
BI Norwegian Business School , Kong Chr. Frederiks gate 5, Bergen
Event registration is closed.

You are invited to meet this year’s participants of our unique Ocean Tech Scaling programme, to learn how we can help your organization to scale nationally and globally.
Aker Solutions, PGS, Additech, airMont and HOW Energy have participated in this year's program throughout extensive workshops concentrating on their growth strategies and business plans alongside world class entrepreneurs and mentors.
We are now recruiting for next year’s program, and hope that you will join us for this seminar; meeting the companies, faculty members and mentors in an informal setting.
A week at MIT in Boston
The Ocean Tech Scaling program is led by BI Norwegian Business School in cooperation with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and GCE Ocean Technology. Since 2018 we have completed five programs with a total of 37 participating companies.
The program has a strong focus on how to develop strategy and networks in order to scale businesses globally.
It consists of 5 modules in total; four modules run over 2-3 days each in Norway and one module that runs over five days at the Martin Trust Centre for MIT Entrepreneurship in Boston, Massachusetts.
17:00 Welcome remarks, Owe Hagesæther, CEO, GCE Ocean Technology
17:05 Presentation of the Ocean Tech Scaling Program, Per Ingvar Olsen, Professor, BI Norwegian Business School
17:20 Greetings from MIT, Professor Bill Aulet, Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship
17:25 Short presentations from this year’s participants: Additech, AirMont, Aker Solution Subsea, HOW Energy and PGS. Moderated by Owe Hagesæther
18:00 Presentation by Karl Johnny Hersvik – CEO, Aker BP ASA about their transformation within oil and gas, followed by Q&A session
18:45 Presentation by Frode N. Fjellstad, Daglig Leder Agenda Vestland. Why ScaleUp and change is so important for Sparebanken Vest, our region and country
19:00 Closing remarks
19:05 Tapas and networking
The Ocean Tech scaling program's main sponsor is Sparebanken Vest.
Participation and Costs
The seminar is free and open for all, but registration is mandatory.
Register by Monday 30 January.
The seminar is organised in collaboration with cluster partner:
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