Nordic Climate Change Forum
30. November 2023, 10:00 - 15:30
Vestlandshuset, Vestlandssalen, Vestre Strømkaien 13, Bergen
Event registration is closed.

Join this event that brings together a diverse group of stakeholders from the ocean industries, scientists, and policy makers to address the critical issue of climate change and its impact on our sectors. Moreover, to discuss maritime spaces and user conflicts in offshore wind planning.
The primary goal of this workshop is to provide a platform for open dialogue, idea exchange, and the identification of practical steps that the renewable energy sector can take to reduce their contribution to climate change and co-exist in marine space.
We believe that by collaborating and sharing insights, we can create meaningful solutions to address this pressing global challenge.
Program sessions
10:00 Opening and Welcome from Vestland Fylkeskommune and Bergen Municipality
10:20 Setting the scene: Offshore Wind Outlook
11:15 Experiences and Perspectives with Marine Spatial Planning in a Nordic Context
11:30 Ecosystem Monitoring of Offshore Wind
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Expectations of Offshore Co-existence with Fisheries and other Maritime Sectors
14:45 Roundtable Discussion and Commitments from Nordic Leaders
15:30 End of forum
Participation and Costs
The forum is open for all and free of charge.
Secure your spot at the Nordic Climate Change Forum.
Space is limited, so we encourage you to register as soon as possible to ensure your participation in this important event.
Contact Information
Dorothy Dankel
Chair, Nordic Marine Think Tank