SFI Smart Ocean Spring Conference
05. June 2024, 08:30 - 15:40
Høgskulen på Vestlandet (Mimes brønn), Inndalsveien 28, 5063 Bergen
Event registration is closed.

“From Ocean to User – Ensuring quality of data” is this year’s topic of the conference.
Trustworthy, quality assured data is a necessity for optimized management of ocean resources and ocean industries. Artificial intelligence (AI) for data analysis and digital twins for optimized operations both heavily depend on high quality data.
Join this conference to discuss with the SFI Smart Ocean partners how we can efficiently collect data while securing the required quality.
08:30 Coffee
09:00 Welcome and short introduction to SFI Smart Ocean Ingvar Henne, SFI Smart Ocean
- Data quality – challenges and solutions
09:15 Data Quality & Performance Metrics for Subsea Systems Data Gjermund Mathisen and Edmary Altamiranda Maldonado, Aker BP
09:35 Needs and requirements – what is the status and what is the challenge – as seen from a data center *) Linn Cecilie Moholt, IMR Digital
09:55 Data quality: Experience and solutions – across ocean business segments *) Mark Bokenfohr, Aanderaa
10:15 Break
10:30 Data quality – Challenges and solutions Ingvar Henne, SFI Smart Ocean/UiB
10:50 The Push & Pull challenge in Research driven Innovation Bjarte Fagerås, GCE Ocean Technology
11:10 Introduction to student pitch and poster session Lars M. Kristensen, SFI Smart Ocean/HVL
11:15 Pitching of student projects and poster session
12:20 Lunch
13:00 Security solutions for underwater sensor networks *) Øivind Ytrehus, UiB / Simula
13:20 Interactive session with relevant questions on data quality Jon Oddvar Hellevang, GCE Ocean Technology
- Technology gaps, sensors; environment and impact
13:35 Status and technology gaps for monitoring of fish welfare parameters *) Erik Höglund, NIVA
13:55 Seabed subsidence monitoring and data retrieval via acoustic modem Erik Bjerke, Kongsberg Discovery
14:15 Emerging technologies; status and challenges Camilla Sætre, SFI Smart Ocean / UiB
14:35 Break
14:50 TBC Paolo Casari, University of Trento
15:10 Pioneering the Future with Reach Remote Norway’s first 24m unmanned ROV vessels Reach Remote, Bjørg Mathisen Døving
15:30 Summary and concluding remarks Ingvar Henne, SFI Smart Ocean / UiB
16:30 Dinner
*) final title to be confirmed
Parcipation and Costs
The conference will be open for none-centre members.
The Conference is sponsored by the Meltzer Research Foundation and arranged by SFI Smart Ocean in collaboration with:
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