Recruit a student

We connect students and employees with regards to jobs, traineeships, internship, student assignments and more through our collaboration with academia.
Students are keen to collaborate with businesses through assignment collaboration and student projects are ideal to explore new ideas, gain new knowledge and increase your company’s innovation capacity.
Opportunities for student assignments:
- Read on about student assignments at the University of Bergen
- Read on about student assignments at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
- Read on about student assignments at the University of Stavanger
- Read on about student assignments at NTNU
Post your job opportunities
Advertise available full-time positions, traineeships, part-time jobs, internships, summer jobs, contracts, and volunteer work for your company.
- Post positions to reach students in the Bergen region at HVLs job portal
- Post positions to reach students in the Stavanger region at UiS' job portal
- Post positions to reach students in the Trondhein region at NTNU Bridge
- Post positions to reach students in Vestland county
Student associations that we collaborate with are:
- AKSEL at the University of Stavanger
- IASTE - information flyer in Norwegian and English.
- Bunnsolid at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
- Lumen at the University of Bergen
- Neptun at the University of Bergen
- NTNU Ocean Club at NTNU
- Our annual event Ocean Young, is organised in autumn every year.
- Keep posted through the event calendar and by subscribing to our newsletter.