Oil and Gas

Oil and gas is Norway’s biggest export articles. Norway is the world’s third largest gas exporter, supplying EU with about 20-25% of its total gas consumption.
Export of technology for the global oil and gas marked is one of Norway’s biggest industries. We represent the world’s most complete cluster for subsea life-of-field solutions and the cluster has a unique global position, boasting the longest subsea track record, the highest hydrocarbon recovery rate and the best health, safety and environmental performance.
We work to reduce the climate and environmental footprint from production and utilization of petroleum resources. We have several projects within electrification, hydrogen and carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS).
GCE Ocean Technology has developed into an important tool for restructuring, growth and technology transfer. A key strategy is to use our strong underwater expertise to take a leading position in the development of new sustainable ocean industries.
See examples of technology transfer from our cluster.
Browse through our projects to learn more about what we do within our focus areas.