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Coast Center Base AS (CCB) Has Been Assigned the Classification of COSLPromoter

image of COSL Promoter rig
Photo by COSL

CCB has Friday, 16.12.2016 signed a LOI (Letter Of Intent) for a 5-year classification renewal of the rig COSLPromoter.

The classification will be performed at CCB in May 2017.

- This is the only classification that is scheduled on the Norwegian Continental shelf in 2017. It is therefore particularly gratifying that we have now been awarded just this contract, said Chief of CCB Yard Services, Sveinung Vethe. We are humbled and grateful that COSL shows us this trust.

Contact Information

Coast Center Base AS
Sveinung Vethe, Manager CCB Yard Services
Phone: +47 56 32 31 90 /+47 90516751