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Funding for New Innovation Projects

image of euros

Several GCE Subsea members succeed in receiving public funding to realise their ideas. We can help you succeed too, and help you with applying to the Research Council of Norway and Regional Research Fund Vestlandet. Next application deadline is 15. February 2017.

GCE Subsea offer information and advice free of charge to all our partners and members. 13 December we will inform you about the upcoming calls and give input to your ideas and projects. You can also meet the coordinator for the DEMO2000 programme.

See the programme and sign up at Søkerseminar DEMO2000.

100 million for Demonstration and Piloting

DEMO2000 has announced a new call with application deadline 15 February 2017. The programme funds qualification and piloting of new technologies that will help reduce costs, increase efficiency and improve performance on the Norwegian continental shelf.

Regional Funding Opportunities

The Regional Research Fund Vestlandet (RFF Vest) have announced a new call for projects with several million Norwegian kroner available. Main project application in 2017 will be 15 February.

Main priorities are:

• Value creation in businesses and public sector
• Ability to adapt and innovate - now and in the future
• Good climate and environmental solutions

It is also important to be aware of the possibility to apply for pre-project funding. Planned deadlines are: 14 December 2016, 18 April 2017, 15 August 2017 and 10 October 2017.

Contact Information

Jon O. Hellevang

R&D Manager

Jon O. Hellevang