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Revised OG21 Strategy Available

image of rig

OG21 recently released its revised technology strategy for oil and gas for the 21st century.

The Norwegian technology strategy for the petroleum sector was established in 2001 in order to identify technology prioritisations and to ensure efficient and environmental friendly petroleum activities on the Norwegian continental shelf. The document has undergone revision every five years, with the latest revision being released 30 November 2016 on the OG21 Forum.

OG21 Priorities

The OG21 strategy provides recommendations to the Norwegian petroleum sector on research and development (R&D) and technology prioritisations.

The main priorities are reflected through the Technology Target Areas (TTA’s):

  • TTA1: Energy efficiency and environment
  • TTA2: Exploration and increased recovery
  • TTA3: Drilling, completions and intervention
  • TTA4: Production, processing and transport

For more information, please go to the OG21 website to download the complete strategy document.

Contact Information

Bjarte Fagerås

Senior R&D Advisor

Bjarte Fagerås