Meet our New R&D Partner, NTNU

GCE Subsea is proud to announce that NTNU has become a new R&D partner in the subsea cluster.
– It is a pleasure to welcome NTNU as a new R&D partner in the GCE Subsea cluster, says Owe Hagesæther, CEO GCE Subsea.
NTNU is the main technical university of Norway, and is carrying out many research programmes that are highly important and relevant for the Norwegian subsea industry.
– NTNU is joining GCE-Subsea because we see an increased need for companies, academia and R&D institutions to collaborate to develop world leading and cost-effective subsea solutions, says Director of Ocean Science and Technology NTNU, Professor Ingrid Schjølberg.
– There is also a large potential for increasing the number of bachelor and master thesis within this area. We expect GCE Subsea to be visible in the student community and encourage collaboration with our student organisations, she continues.
– We believe that GCE Subsea will prove to be a useful forum for exchange of both industry and research ideas and results. Our partnership will give us more opportunities for research collaboration with other R&D institutions and the companies in the industry, Professor Schjølberg concludes.
GCE Subsea Partners
The GCE Subsea cluster has 24 partners within subsea industry, R&D, academia and public offices. – The partners of GCE Subsea are the leading force, and the backbone of our cluster, Hagesæther says. – At the same time, our partners gain access to an arena where they meet potential suppliers, customers and partners, and where a lot of knowledge, and know-how is shared and transferred among the clusters 118 members and partners, he continues.
– We are excited to have NTNU on board. They will increase the cluster’s R&D capacity and competence and significantly strengthen our ability to implement our challenging R&D ambitions. We are already planning our first common seminar within autonomous technologies and robotics, Hagesæther concludes.
Who can Become a Partner or Member?
All organisations established in Norway that deliver products or services in or to the subsea industry, or intend to do so, can become members of GCE Subsea.
Companies that are seen as particularly important to the development of the cluster and educational and government institutions can be accepted as partners. As a Global Centre of Expertise, also foreign R&D institutions and academic institutions can become R&D partners.
Why Join a Cluster
International research shows that business clusters lead to higher employment, greater economic growth and improved productivity. Innovation in terms of new technology, new products and services more often takes place inside an industry cluster than outside.
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