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New LEAN Startup Programme for Subsea Entrepreneurs

We seek paticipants to a new programme for subsea startups. This, to follow-up the successful Subsea First Step series, where subsea entrepreneurs have learned how to accelerate their businesses in an effective manner.

ACCEL Energy offers valuable input on how to accelerate your business by following best practice in a Lean startup process. This will help startups achieve their growth ambitions faster, and with less efforts.


The programme consists of 10 sessions over a three-month period, and during the programme you will have access to valuable mentor support and customer feedback. Previous participants have also pointed out the value of exchanging experiences with peer entrepreneurs in the programme.

New Name

The Subsea First Step programme is now named ACCEL Energy, this, to align with a common name used by the arranging partners Bergen Teknologioverføring (BTO), Kjeller Innovation, TechMakers and Kongsberg Innovation.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity! The programme is free for subsea startups. Deadline for signing up is 15 October 2016. For more information, go to the programme invitation site (in Norwegian).


Contact Information

Kai Stoltz

Business Development Manager

Kai Stoltz

ACCEL Programme

Since the start in 2011, fifteen ACCEL Programmes have been carried out. The Programme has been extremely popular and has received very good feedback from the 94 participating companies.