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Annual Report 2016

image of subsea template
Photo by GCE Subsea

The GCE Subsea Annual Report 2016 is now available.

The first year of the Global Centres of Expertise programme - was a challenging, contentious and busy year for GCE Subsea, but the GCE status has given us the opportunity to expand our focus areas.

Thus, in the annual report you can learn about activities within our now six core business areas; Competence, Ocean Innovation, Technology, Business Development, Market and Work Processes.

Future Visions

During demanding periods it is important that the industry stands together and collaborates. In 2016, some of our main focus has been; how we can develop new markets through innovative solutions, creative thinking and increased collaboration in the cluster.

The cluster ambition is that GCE Subsea shall become a unifying and executive organisation for subsea communities in Norway, and that the Norwegian subsea industry is perceived as a global knowledge hub. In view of the changes the industry is currently undergoing, this is more important than ever.

Since its beginning in 2006, GCE Subsea has established itself as a regional cluster, with roots in the Bergen region. Our subsea cluster offers considerable potential for more organised and structured cooperation with other parts of the Norwegian subsea industry.

In the annual report you will also find our financial key figures and a summary of the most important activities last year.

Download the GCE Subsea Annual Report 2016 (pdf in Norwegian).

We would also be happy to send you the annual report (only available in Norwegian) if you let us know at

Contact Information

Owe Hagesæther

Chief Executive Officer

Owe Hagesæther