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4Subsea Wins Contract for Monitoring Automation on Statoil’s Snorre B

image of subsea cabel
Photo by 4Subsea

4Subsea delivers integrity monitor systems for six flexible risers on Statoil’s semi-submersible platform Snorre B in the North Sea. 4Subsea was awarded the contract shortly after having delivered the fifth system in a row for Statoil’s Snorre A platform.

Monitoring solution that reduces risk and cost

The monitoring solution improves security and reduces risk of production downtime or riser failure. At the same time, the installation will reduce operational costs, since the need for manual inspection is eliminated.

Today there are daily inspections of the risers, plus quarterly offshore mobilisation of engineering personnel. The new solution automates and simplifies these processes drastically, at the same time reducing risk.

- We are pleased that Statoil continuously trusts us to play an important role in maintaining secure and cost efficient production at their installations through the integrity management work we perform on flexible risers and flowlines, says Peter Jenkins, CEO of 4Subsea.

New technology development

The monitoring solution is based on 4Subsea’s AMOS™ system, which analyses the condition, integrity and expected service life of the flexible risers. AMOS™ monitors the riser annulus diffusion rate, detecting early signs of riser failure, reducing risk and averting potential costly replacement of risers.

Close co-operation with Siemens

Siemens is Statoil’s main provider of automation services on Snorre B, and 4Subsea co-operates closely with Siemens on integrating the monitoring system to existing infrastructure and to fit the totality of solutions deployed for the operator.

- Siemens’ experience with 4Subsea in the Snorre B project has been very positive in regards to their pro-activeness and their knowledge on the scope of work, says Kjartan Bø, Technical Product Manager in Siemens Energy.

Data collection a foundation for increased service life

The data collected with 4Subsea’s monitoring solution provide the foundation for future service life extension and will reduce the need for costly production downtime or riser replacements.