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New Deep Sea Research Centre at UiB

Photo by UiB  Picture of ÆGIR 6000 Deep-sea ROV, University of Bergen
Photo by UiB - Picture of ÆGIR 6000 Deep-sea ROV, University of Bergen

The K.G. Jebsen foundation will support the exploration of the deep-sea. The new centre hosted by the University of Bergen (UiB) will have a budget of more than one hundred million Norwegian Kroner over the next four years.

Norway has a long tradition for exploring and exploiting resources from the ocean. The research and business environment in Bergen is world-class within marine research, with several strong institutes and groups. UiB has pioneered deep-sea research in Norway. In 2007, UiB was awarded a Norwegian Centre of Excellence (SFF) in Geobiology, and has developed multidisciplinary deep-sea research.

Bergen - A Unique Portfolio

The K.G. Jebsen Centre for Deep Sea Research started in January 2017.

- We are very grateful for this support, which makes it possible to lift an already strong R&D group to the next level. The sea has long been an important priority at UiB and there are great opportunities within these disciplines in the years ahead. K.G. Jebsen Center for Deep Sea Research will be an important spearhead for marine research in Bergen, says Dag Rune Olsen, Rektor UiB.

The centre was mentioned by prime minister Erna Solberg when she opened the Norwegian Ocean Laboratory at Marineholmen 30 Mai 2016.

- The race forward will be more technology-driven than before. Bergen has a unique portfolio. Heavy allocations from the Research Council of Norway and the K.G. Jebsen is a recognition of the expertise in the business and research communities in this city, says prime minister Erna Solberg.

Important for the Subsea Cluster

The centre will focus on seafloor mapping, hydrothermal systems, life in extreme environments, deep- sea environment and management, ocean-seafloor interactions, seafloor mineral resources, deep-sea geodynamics, bioprospecting and roots of life.

GCE Subsea will collaborate with the centre to establishing the amount of mineral resources available and develop integrated monitoring technology and methodology.

- We have already started an innovation project in collaboration with the industry and this centre, says Jon O. Hellevang, Senior Subsea Innovator in GCE Subsea.

The goal is to use the K.G Jebsen Centre for Deep Sea Research and the Norwegian Ocean Laboratory as a platform to extend our collaboration between industry and R&D groups in the cluster, developing next generation Ocean Technology.

Contact Information

Jon O. Hellevang

R&D Manager

Jon O. Hellevang

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