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Travel Support for Cluster Members at OTC 2017

image of Houston skyline

GCE Subsea offers 10.000 Norwegian Kroner in travel support for 10 cluster members taking part in the Norway2OTC-delegation travelling to OTC Houston 2017 – Apply now! First come first served.

In recognition of the challenging times for SME’s (SMB’s) in the subsea cluster, GCE Subsea has decided to offer financial support with travel expenses for member companies that wish to join the official Norway2OTC delegation in the beginning of May this year.

GCE Subsea will this year offer financial support of 10.000 Norwegian Kroner per company for travel expenses, to the first 10 companies that apply. The following conditions apply:

  • The company must be an SME (SMB) (I.e. less than 250 employees)
  • The company must be a registered member of GCE Subsea
  • The company must sign up for, and take part in the official Norway2OTC delegation, (please note that this applies for the delegation programme only, not the travel and accommodation package, which is optional)
  • The company must document at least 50 per cent in matching cost and in-kind hours. Such documentation to be submitted before reimbursement (I.e. the sum of travel expenses and in-kind hours must exceed NOK 20.000)

To apply, please send a short request and summary of what you plan to achieve during OTC 2017 to

NB! Please also note that there is an additional Early Bird discount of 1.000 Norwegian Kroner on the delegation fee if you sign up before 12 February.

The Norwegian Delegation

The annual OTC exhibition and conference in Houston is a very important venue, if not the most important for Norwegian oil and gas companies that seek to export Norwegian technology and services internationally. It is in the industry’s interest to give as many companies as possible the opportunity to attend, despite the prevailing strong cost focus.

Last year, OTC Houston was a grand experience with lots of opportunities for networking, obtaining technical and market updates. Moreover, the delegation had a very interesting company visit to Baker Hughes Center for Technology Innovation. The Norwegian delegation had almost 200 participants, and in addition to this, many of the delegation events were visited by Norwegians travelling by separate arrangements.

A main goal is to meet potential American customers and partners, but many Norwegians also underline the value of meeting interesting, Norwegian customers or partners that they otherwise have difficulties arranging meetings with.

Contact Information

Kai Stoltz

Business Development Manager

Kai Stoltz