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Pre-project Funding for Environmental Technology

image of euros

Innovation Norway has announced 10 million Norwegian Kroner for pre-projects through the environmental technology scheme (Miljøteknologiordningen). Application deadline is 15 May.

The environmental technology scheme aims to promote Norwegian environmental technology and strengthen Norwegian companies' competitiveness. This applies to Norwegian companies wanting to invest and adapt to new market opportunities.

Targeting Cluster Companies

The call is exclusive to cluster companies who work together to bring forth new solutions that are better for the environment than found on the market today.

Each project can receive up to 500 000 Norwegian Kroner in funding, and need at least 50 per cent own funding. It is a requirement that at least two companies are collaborating on the projects, where at least one is member of a cluster.

Circular economy, digitisation and electrification are the three focus areas for the call. Companies who have projects covering one or more of these topics should apply.

For more information, please see the Innovation Norway web-page.

GCE Subsea Support

GCE Subsea provides both financial and professional support to establish externally funded RDI projects. We can help you select the right programme for your projects and guide you during the process.

Learn more about how we can support your projects.

Contact Information

Jon O. Hellevang

R&D Manager

Jon O. Hellevang