Retrofit J-Tube for Offshore Installation

Seaproof Solutions is proud to introduce its Retrofit J-Tube for offshore installation.
Our scope of work covers design and supply of necessary ancillaries for installing J-tubes on any type of foundations positioned offshore (also applicable onshore).
Retrofit J-tubes are delivered in multiple sections; Quickly assembled using male/female steel built-in connectors; Pulled-up with messenger wire; Secured at hang-off deck with standard split flanges; Then piggybacked to the foundation.
Offshore operations are very simple thanks to the light weight, heavy duty Seaproof Composite Polyurethane.
Fiber reinforced flexible J-tubes allow large tolerances during installation; Plus permanent protection during lifetime (against abrasion, impacts, stability, fatigue).
Our Retrofit J-tubes can be adapted to a wide range of foundation types, allowing for a multitude of installation procedures, and bringing extra protection to any subsea cables, umbilicals or flexible pipes.With more than 25 years’ experience, Seaproof Solutions specializes in protection systems for subsea cable, umbilical and flexible pipe for offshore applications.
For more information about Seaproof Solutions, please visit and our Linkedin page.