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Apply for Travel Support to Rio Oil & Gas 2018

image of brazilian flag

GCE Subsea offers 10.000,- NOK in travel support for 6 cluster members travelling to the Rio Oil & Gas Conference 2018 – Apply now! First come, first served.

GCE Subsea will offer financial support to cover travel expenses for member companies travelling to the Rio Oil & Gas Conference 2018.

The Rio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference is recognised as the leading oil and gas industry event in Latin America. This year’s conference is from 24 – 27 September. It is a good place for efficient networking, discussing major technological issues and promoting innovative ideas.

How to Apply

Apply now for 10.000,- NOK in travel support per company to cover travel expenses. Please send a short request and summary of what you plan to achieve during Rio Oil & Gas 2018.

The following conditions apply:

  • The company must be an SME (SMB) (I.e. less than 250 employees)
  • The company must be a registered member of GCE Subsea
  • The company must document at least 50 per cent in matching cost and in-kind hours. Such documentation to be submitted before reimbursement (I.e. the sum of travel expenses and in-kind hours must exceed 20.000,- NOK)
  • Up to six companies will be supported

GCE Subsea is in collaboration with Innovation Norway and Norwegian Energy Partners (NORWEP) planning a Norwegian – Brazilian Business Seminar during the Conference. More details will follow later.

Contact Information

Kai Stoltz

Business Development Manager

Kai Stoltz

About Rio Oil & Gas Conference

Energy to transform. The 2018 slogan of Rio Oil & Gas sums up the industry’s recovery scenario, with the recovery of oil prices and new auctions scheduled for 2018 and 2019.

Through the congress, the exhibition and side events, we will discuss, together, the perspectives and ways to the future of industry in Brazil and in the world.

Read more at Rio Oil & Gas.