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Business Growth Programme for GCE Subsea Members

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As a result of our business development collaboration with MIT, BTO and other Norwegian partners, we are now offering a 12-week ScaleUp programme suited for companies in position for growth and expansion.

This 12-week programme is designed for TECH companies with a high growth potential. MIT focuses highly on companies with growth abilities, motivation and potential. The ScaleUp accelerator is based on the MIT entrepreneurship model. First cohort is planned for early 2018, to be held in Stavanger, Boston and Bergen

About the Programme

A team of 2 – 3 persons from each participating company will develop and test various aspects of their scaling strategy. This is an opportunity for the management team to work with central strategic issues together with world class faculty and business mentors in an intensive and structured process.

The programme consists of action-learning modules with workshops, simulation labs, and lectures from professors, investors and entrepreneurs. Between modules, teams will develop their scaling strategy through data gathering and analysis, followed by weekly feedback meetings with facilitators.

We are now planning startup in Bergen early September 2018

More Information

There will be an information meeting Tuesday 22 May at 13:00 – 14:00. The meeting will be held at Vitensenteret, Thormøhlens gate 51, 2. floor.

There will be an additional information meeting in June. Date is not set yet.

We are working on facilitating full or partial financing of the course for our partners and members. The cost today is 200.000.- NOK per. company. This cost will be reduced significantly.

Contact Information

Owe Hagesæther

Chief Executive Officer

Owe Hagesæther