UTC 2019 – Call for Abstracts

With the 25th UTC to be staged in 2019, the conference will once again strive to be in the forefront and will through a strong programme and prominent speakers stimulate this technology development. We hereby invite you to submit your abstract.
Current subsea industry activity and outlook allow us to be optimistic about the future. Like the rest of the oil and gas sector, the subsea industry has shown remarkable adaptation to the lower energy price scenarios, through active technology development and transformation.
Many companies have used the changing market conditions to explore alternative strategies, introducing new business models and taking technology and knowledge to applications outside the traditional oil and gas market.
Subsea and Beyond – The Power to Transform
There is no question that the subsea industry will continue to develop in the years to come.
The versatility of subsea technology will be instrumental to achieve the same innovative and business maturity in the total ocean space, as experienced for the oil sector. Gas will play a significantly larger role for environmental reasons. Renewable energy will become more mainstream as offshore wind, wave and tidal power generation pave their ways.
With a financially healthy and sustainable traditional subsea industry in place, a continued influx of the best human talents and focus on research and development, cross over from Subsea Technology will enable us to fully explore the opportunities for energy production in an environmentally sustainable fashion.
With the 25th UTC to be staged in 2019, the conference will once again strive to be in the forefront and will through a strong programme and prominent speakers stimulate this technology development.
We hereby invite you to submit your abstract to one of the categories and topics listed in this pdf: UTC 2019 call for abstracts.
Submit your abstract at the UTC Abstract Portal Sign In. Deadline 15 December 2018. If you have any questions regarding your submission, please contact Janne Bolstad.
Contact Information

The Underwater Technology Conference (UTC) has a well-known history of presenting highly competent speakers on current and important topics for the subsea industry.
The UTC is hosted by Underwater Technology Foundation (UTF) and GCE Subsea.
Go to UTC to read more.