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Student Projects to Increase Innovation

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The Department of Mechanical and Marine Engineering at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences would like your input to student projects. This is a good way for companies to evaluate their own ideas, gain new knowledge and increase their innovation capabilities.

Student projects are an important tool to increase the interaction between businesses and educational institutions. The companies can explore new ideas and start long-term development projects. Students receive relevant tasks and both parts get to know each other with respect to future job opportunities.

Engage With the Students

Western Norway University of Applied Sciences would like your input and suggestions for Bachelor projects as soon as possible. The projects will be conducted during spring semester.

Below is more information and contacts at the Department of Mechanical and Marine Engineering:

A variety of educational programmes offer courses and projects that are relevant to the subsea industry. See the list of all BSc and MSc programmes with contact persons at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Contact Information

Bjarte Fagerås

Senior R&D Advisor

Bjarte Fagerås