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A New Era of Economic Opportunities

image of meeting in session
Topplederforum 2019

The clusters executives recently gathered at Topplederforum to look at future prospects and challenges in the ocean industries.

A new era of economic opportunities, sustainability, and how to innovate the oceans were among the themes discussed at Topplederforum this year.

Bjørn Haugland from Norge203040, an industry driven climate initiative, claimed that the know-how in the oil and gas industry is vital to develop a new sustainable technology.

– We need GCE Ocean Technology and their competence and technology from the oil and gas industry to develope sustainable Ocean Industries, Haugland stated.

Other themes that were discussed were the robotisation and electrification of the oil and gas industry that lies ahead within many projects.

Aker Solutions showed their floating wind initiative and how it makes «industrial sense» to go for – offshore wind, while cluster members Inventas and KYMSOL presented their innovative products and solutions and how they grow their business in related markets.

Download Presentations

Learn more about what was discussed by downloading some of the presentations we were admitted to share from this event.

Contact Information

Owe Hagesæther

Chief Executive Officer

Owe Hagesæther


Topplederforum is an annual meeting place exclusively for executives of companies and organisations affiliated with GCE Ocean Technology.

This is an arena where decision-makers in the cluster become familar, interact and moreover present and discuss important challenges for the cluster's and actors' development.

This is also an arena where GCE Ocean Technology presents central themes and issues for the cluster's future.