Programme for UTC 2019 – Now Available

The Underwater Technology Conference (UTC) is taking place in Bergen in June this year. The full programme for UTC 2019 has now been released and the theme this year is «Subsea and beyond – The power to transform».
Leading speakers from global energy giants are set to tackle some of the most pressing global, technological and macro-economic questions facing the subsea industry at this year’s 25th Underwater Technology Conference (UTC) in Bergen, Norway.
– So, where are you placed in the future energy mix and what can your company do in this perspective? says Jon Arve Sværen from OneSubsea.
What are you doing to promote the industry, to attract the best talent? These are the questions you should be asking yourself. We are not going to have all the answers, but we will have these topics on the UTC agenda and we will contribute to developing philosophies and strategies to help you find the answers.
Read the full programme.
Featured Student Benefits
We are also interested in posters of Bachelor, Master and PhD level projects.
The student presentations will be included in the technical presentations at the conference 13 June, 2019. The posters will be presented in a poster walk where the authors are present, and can answer questions about their project.
- inclusion in the conference program
- complimentary conference fee
- complimentary flight
- complimentary hotel accommodation for the duration of the conference.
- a chance to present your work to the decision makers in the subsea industry
To enable as many students as possible to propose an abstract we will accept contributions until 15 April, 2019.
Contact Information

The Underwater Technology Conference (UTC) has a well-known history of presenting highly competent speakers on current and important topics for the subsea industry.
Read more about UTC.