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More Pre-Project Funding Available!

image of euros

Today is last call for our partners and members to apply for pre-project funding to establish externally funded research, development and innovation (RDI) projects for 2019.

To receive financial support from GCE Ocean Technology, your project must have minimum two partners where at least one is an industrial company and at least one is a partner or member of the cluster.

Deadline 9 August

You can apply for up to 250.000,- NOK, and the project should be finalised within the end of 2019. The application deadline is Friday 9 August at 12:00. We aim to give feedback to applicants regarding the evaluation within 20 August.

We utilise Innovation Norway's template "Innovasjonsrammen" for all pre-project funding applications. Please note that you save the application and send it in PDF format to Do not press submit, as this will forward your application to Innovation Norway.

For more information about the application process, template, evaluation criteria and process, please visit our project funding web pages.

We Are Here for You!

We strongly recommend that you contact GCE Ocean Technology prior to applying for pre-project funding. This allows us to provide you with better guidance regarding the optimal support scheme for your idea or project.

Contact Information

Jon O. Hellevang

R&D Manager

Jon O. Hellevang

About our Funding

GCE Ocean Technology provides financial and professional support to establish externally funded RDI projects.

Our partners and members can apply for pre-project funding from GCE Ocean Technology to form the basis for larger RDI projects.

GCE Ocean Technology has so far helped secured more than 1 Billion NOK in external funded RDI projects run and owned by the cluster companies.