was Launched Today

Through 15 example cases, we show how technology from the oil and gas industry is used to revolutionize new industries at
Together with Norsk olje & gass, Innovation Norway, GCE Node and Energy Valley we launched the website Techtransfer today.
Launched at Arendalsuka
Techtransfer was launched today at our commen event « Is the petroleum industry a locomotive for the green shift » at Arendalsuka where our cluster member Scantrol Deep Vision presented their case; an underwater camera system that identifies the species and length of fish entering a trawl. This allows fishing to be more efficient and sustainable, while at the same time vessels can save fuel and reduce climate emissions.
Several companies from our cluster have contributed among the 15 cases at Techtransfer, where they describe how they have used their competence and technology from the oil and gas industry to penetrate new renewable markets.
The vision with Techtransfer is to make visible the most important driving force and technology development of our time in Norwegian society: the Norwegian oil and gas industry. Moreover, our common goal is to convey, through these cases, that the petroleum industry is an important part of the equation to create sustainable technology for the future.
Read all cases at Techtransfer.
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