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Want to be a Role Model?

image of students

We need young workers from the energy industry who can be role models in the education project Energilandet.

Energilandet is an all-day educational programme developed by the Energy resource group at the Bergen Chamber of Commerce and Industry with support from the energy industry, local authorities and R&D. The students will gain insight into energy and the importance of energy, climate challenges, sustainable development, Norway as an energy nation and the opportunities we develop today.

Young workers (role models) from the energy industry visit schools and share their knowledge and experience and a pilot for the project was conducted in spring 2019 at 3 secondary schools.

Role models

We need role models between 22 - 34 years old from the energy industry and who like to communicate.

We assume that the role models spend two working weeks in the period October 2019 to May 2020 on school visits in Hordaland, but we are naturally adhering to the role model's capacity.

The Educational Tools

Pupils are activated through conversations and problem solving. Here the focus will be on conversations, discussions, and two-way communication, as well as the use of digital tools in teaching.

We provide no solutions! We share knowledge about everything within energy, and want to raise the issues, debates and challenge engagement.

Learn more

If you would like to learn more about how you could become a role model in this project; attend our meeting 19. September in Bergen by contacting:

Vegard L. Kolnes
Bergen Business Council
Tel: +47 464 16 612

Contact Information

Kjersti Boge Christensen

Communication Manager

Kjersti Boge Christensen