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Cluster Insight With NUI

 Photo of Rolf Røssland, CEO in NUI
Rolf Røssland, CEO in NUI

– To win you must participate, says Rolf Røssland who recently invested heavily in two very large hyperbaric pressure chamber systems with a working pressure equivalent to 7 km and 10 km water depths.

Cluster insight is a column where we ask six questions to catch a glimpse into the daily business-lives of the cluster partners and members.

In a recent Cluster Insight we spoke with Nils Fredrik Fjærvik who sent the baton over to Rolf Røssland in NUI. NUI is a non-commercial organisation with 40 years of experience globally in providing various underwater technology support and services.

  1. What is your role in NUI

    Head of the company since 2014. Then it became a whole new ownership structure, and NUI is now 100 per cent owned by a non-profit organisation, giving us new opportunities as an independent test and verification body.
  2. Your main focus at work right now is?

    We develop our verification and testing capabilities and have acquired two large pressure chambers for technical testing and verification. One, of which we gather is the world's largest with a pressure capacity of 1000 bar. This gives both us and the industry in Norway, unique testing possibilities. New and well-qualified employees have recently been hired, and there is a high focus on receiving these in a good way and facilitating that they feel welcome.
  3. Biggest challenges for NUI in the future?

    Our position as an independent test and verification body, together with the acquisitions made, presents us with a number of challenges regarding reaching potential customers, but this is also one of our great opportunities. We also have a gas laboratory that we are now developing further.
  4. Best part of being member in a cluster

    The cluster allows us to get in touch with relevant networks. We also receive good support with identifying possible support schemes, and there are also good opportunities for getting the latest industry updates by attending the various events that are conducted under the auspices of the cluster and their partners.
  5. Your business motto

    To win you must participate!
  6. Which cluster member should we interview next?

    Arvid Pettersen i Swire Seabed AS.


Thank you for the insight Rolf.

Learn more about NUI.

Contact Information

Kai Stoltz

Business Development Manager

Kai Stoltz