1.25 Billion NOK for New Innovation Projects

The Research Council of Norway have announced 1.25 billion NOK available to support innovation projects within companies. GCE Ocean Technology can help your company secure funding and realise your best project ideas.
The funding shall stimulate companies to invest in research and development, which increases their competitiveness, growth and sustainable value creation.
50 Per Cent Support
The announcement covers the breadth of Norwegian businesses, including ocean and petroleum. The applicant must be a Norwegian registered company with economic activity in Norway. You can receive support from up to 50 per cent of the project cost. The project can get 1-4 million NOK per year and last for 2-4 years.
Companies can submit draft applications for input and advice until 17 June 2019. Deadline for final application is 25 September.
Learn more about this funding at the RCN website for this funding (in Norwegian).
We Assist with Your Application
GCE Ocean Technology provides financial and professional support and advice for free, to establish externally funded RDI projects for our partners and members. So far, we have succeeded in helping cluster companies in securing more than 1 Billion NOK in external funded project owned and run by cluster companies.
Please do not hesitate to contact Gisle Nondal or Jon Hellevang at an early stage to see how we can contribute.
Learn how you can become a member of GCE Ocean Technology.
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