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New Cluster Member

Allianse Innovasjon employees, from left Geir Kåre Opheim, Raymond Rogne and Arnt Dietel.

Technology Startup Company; Allianse Innovasjon has become member of the cluster.

Bergen based Allianse Innovasjon AS (AI) has started an organisational journey like no other in the region. They have partnered with several companies to provide a more whole approach to solving technology challenges in the ocean sphere. – For us it was natural progression to apply for membership in the GCE Ocean Technology Cluster, since we already are a contributing part of VIS Ocean Industries, says founding partner Arnt Dietel.

Nobody can Solve all Issues on Their Own

AI does not believe that individual companies can solve the most complex customer needs within technology by themselves. Therefore, we have formed an alliance of companies that complement each other in terms of experience and technology.

All projects are managed by the alliances’ internal partners in order to reduce the project risk and increase project success rate. - The company is basically based on the principles of open innovation and alliance theory, says Dietel. The AI team has a varied background ranging from banking, subsea design to complex automation of manual tasks.


AI Technology help companies gain competitive advantage by redesigning and eliminating manual tasks in the client organisation. By doing this the client can refocus on their more value adding core tasks.

With different approaches and different tools, together with their partners, technology solutions are tailored for the future. – Often companies do not know what technologies to combine and experience to apply, to innovate the company, says partner and Head of Technology, Geir Opheim. Therefore, AI teamed up with the leading automation tools, software developers, machine learning specialists and data gatherers to position their clients for future competitive advantage.

What can be done by a computer should be done by a computer. Use the human mind for the more difficult cognitive tasks." Arnt Dietel

What’s next

From their LinkedIn Page we see what AI expect from their membership in the GCE Ocean Technology Cluster. – We look forward to contribute and collaborate in digitizing and provide valuable additions to the ocean sphere.

For more information about what AI and their technology partners can do for you, contact:

Arnt Dietel
Phone: +47 951 18 065
LinkedIn Company Page

AI Oil & Gas

AI Oil & Gas help oil and gas companies from initial concept generation for subsea development to operational support.

Their capabilities include primary expertise related to subsea processing and engineering design of essential components and boosting applications.

Based on detailed experience in the project phases we can assist in relevant technical transfer and development for efficient utilization of reserves and independent subsea equipment selection, as well as vendor qualification services based on field requirements.