Preparing for Hydrogen Deliveries

Norway has surplus hydropower and huge amounts of natural gas from the continental shelf. Players in the oil and gas business are planning to produce and deliver hydrogen to an upcoming market.
The maritime market in Norway sees an increasing number of hydrogen projects related to vessels, fish farming and offshore energy supply. Norwegian maritime and oil and gas players have a leading global position as is. To keep this position we need to materialise hydrogen projects within a reasonable time.
Various Demand
Due to IMO’s regulations there shall be a 50% reduction of CO2 emissions from the international shipping fleet by 2050. This also includes the Norwegian mercant fleet and domestic transportation.
Hydrogen will be part of the solution. Hydrogen is also a zero emission alternative to natural gas for the oil and gas installations on the Norwegian continental shelf. Furthermore, part of the fish farming industry can get power supply from hydrogen in the future.
Green, Blue or Grey Hydrogen?
Most of the global hydrogen production is done by steam reforming of natural gas or gasification of coal. This method emits CO2 and the product is called grey hydrogen. If the CO2 is captured and stored, the hydrogen becomes nearly CO2 neutral and is called blue. Green hydrogen is produced through electrolysis from renewable energy sources as wind, solar- and hydropower.
CCB and ZEG Power Joins Forces
CCB has several locations along the Norwegian coast, serving the oil and gas business. ZEG Power has developed an enhanced reforming technology for highly efficient production of hydrogen from hydrocarbon fuels, with integrated CO2-capture.
The two companies have now joined forces to establish cost efficient production and distribution of CO2 neutral hydrogen. Large-scale production will be located at Naturgassparken at Kollsnes in connection to the Northern Lights project.
Small-scale production plants can further make hydrogen available at different CCB bases according to distributed market demand. Hydrogen production from Kollsnes is planned to be operational in 2022.
Energy Efficient Hydrogen Production at Fjord Base
Saga Fjordbase is ready for production of green hydrogen trough electrolysis at the port Fjord Base in Florø. Their planned production plant is designed specifically for the maritime industry.
Production will be close to the fast-ferry terminal in Florø and eleminates the need for transportation of hydrogen. At the same facilities ; INC Gruppen has plans for large scale land based fish farming. Oxygen and heat produced through the electrolysis process will be used at the fish farm. This yelds very high energy efficiency. Saga Fjordbase can deliver greeen hydrogen from 2022.
Hydrogen from Offshore Wind
TechnipFMC is now getting the Deep Purple project ready for pilot stage. The main project scope is to offer offshore stabile zero emission energy solutions, for instance to oil and gas installations on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.
This will be done by producing hydrogen from offshore wind, storing hydrogen in tanks on the seabed and delivering electrical energy back via fuel cells.
Other business opportunities based on the same technologies include safe subsea hydrogen storage near urban ports, large scale offshore hydrogen production and off-grid power solutions to remote islands.
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