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Collaborative Goals set at energy3 in Canada

Discussions during the conference. From left: Trond Strømgren, Ocean Technology Innovator at GCE Ocean Technology, Daljit Bawa, Manager Business Development at Ballard and Sheila Paterson, COO at COVE.

We have visited energy3 in Canada to learn more about the energy challenges and opportunities they are facing over there and to work on our collaboration with Canada’s Ocean Supercluster.

Canada has the longest coast line in the world. This opens up for a lot of opportunities similar to those we have in Norway. Marine-, renewable energy, clean technology and offshore and onshore oil and gas were the main topics during the conference.

Collaborating with Canada’s Ocean Supercluster

Our colleague, Trond Strømgren, represented GCE Ocean Technology at the energy3 conference as the only Norwegian participant.
Strømgren gave a presentation about the Norwegian efforts to decarbonize the maritime and marine sector. Furthermore, he met with Melody Prahoe, CEO of Canada’s Ocean Supercluster to follow up on our collaborative agreement from 2019 and set new common targets for the coming year.

Bonding with COVE

COVE is a Halifax based Centre for Ocean Ventures & Entrepreneurship bringing together people, ideas, industry and research to help the community and members to work in new ways. Collaboration between our two organisations, was strengthened with a meeting with Sheila Paterson, COO of COVE, a visit to the COVE facilities and participating at a COVE event.

Tidal Power

Nova Scotia has up to 15-meter tidal range which gives some very powerful streams. FORCE is Canada’s lead research facility for tidal stream technology and offers an on-site test pit at Minas Passage in the Bay of Fundy. The test pit includes electrical infrastructure, an observation facility and connection to the power grid. FORCE offers the same type of service as EMEC does in Orkney, Scotland.

Offshore Wind

The potential for offshore wind globally is large. The 3,6 GW offshore Dogger Bank wind field in Europe was signed up for 40 £ per MWh, which is market price without subsidies. Hywind is operating with a capacity factor of 65 %. This is far above land-based wind which has an average capacity factor of 40 %. Better capacity factor and more space available at sea combined with increased demand for renewable energy will materialize many projects for the offshore wind industry in the coming years.

Remote Settlements

Canada has more than 280 off grid villages, mostly inhabited by First Nation’s people. These villages have a very costly energy supply from diesel generators, sometimes up to 10 x average Canadian energy price. There are some ongoing projects to transform local energy supply to solar, wind and hydro power. One of the projects include 5 years’ experience using hydrogen for energy storage. Transition to renewable energy will be the future solution for thousands of island communities around the world. This is a great market opportunity for players in the offshore wind market.

Contact Information

Thea Båtevik

Project Manager Renewables

Thea Båtevik


An increasing number of conferences gives the industry generally a participating capacity problem. Canadian players have taken the consequences of this and have merged three conferences into one, thus the name. energy3.

It is being developed and hosted through a partnership between Marine Renewables Canada (MRC), The Maritimes Energy Association (MEA) and the Offshore Energy Research Association (OERA). More than 400 persons attended the conference this year.

Learn more.