Cluster Insight With Norwegian Innovation Technology Group

– Until now there hasn’t existed efficient ways to harvest or fish mesopelagic species without any detrimental effects to the marine environment. We believe that our HARVISH® technology holds the key to unlocking nature’s secrets, says Alistair Pelly.
Cluster Insight is a column where we ask six questions to catch a glimpse into the daily business-lives of our cluster partners and members.
In a recent column, cluster member Scantrol Deep Vision sent the baton over to one of the newest members of our cluster; Norwegian Innovation Technology Group, so this week, we spoke with Alistair Pelly to learn more about him and his work in the company.
1. What is your role in Norwegian Innovation Technology Group?
We are currently a very “lean” organization, so all the responsibility falls on myself as CEO and our Executive Chairman Rolf Kobbeltvedt.
Together we cover everything from product development, patent strategy and sales to meeting potential customers and investors.
2. Your main focus at work right now is?
Our main focus at the moment is two-fold:
1. Ensure that at least one of the ten Calanus (Raudåte) permit holders starts off the Calanus season in 2021 using our HARVISH® technology.
2. Together with our Icelandic partner Eco Marine Iceland and the Icelandic Marine & Freshwater Research Institute, use our HARVISH® technology to kick-start the new emerging krill-fishery in Iceland.
3. Biggest challenges and opportunities for your company in the future?
As a relatively young company our main challenge is securing our first “external” customer.
We are clear in our conviction that as soon as one party is using a HARVISHER®, many others will want to follow suit.
It is just so radically different from using trawls nets. Furthermore, we believe that there are many opportunities HARVISHING® for other species than Krill and Calanus. For example shrimps or one of the many different mesopelagic fishes.
4. Best part of being member in a cluster
We are still very new to being a cluster member, but so far we have had the chance to participate in a few interesting webinars and thoroughly enjoyed reading the newsletters.
We hope that being a cluster member will open doors in the near future.
5. Your business motto
“Unlocking Nature’s secrets!” – The clear message from the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research, for some time now, is that in order to sustainably feed the world we should be looking to utilise the large biomasses of the mesopelagic layers of our oceans.
Until now there hasn’t existed efficient ways to harvest or fish mesopelagic species without any detrimental effects to the marine environment.
We believe that our HARVISH® technology holds the key to unlocking nature’s secrets.
6. Which cluster member should we interview next?
Since we were nominated as one of the latest members, we nominate one of the more experienced members. For example, a member who has been a member for the longest time.
Thank you for the insight Alistair.
Contact Information
Kjersti Boge Christensen
Communication Manager

Norwegian Innovation Technology Group drives management, development, sales and licensing of technology solutions and technology projects
Their website is under construction.