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Leading Players Form Tidal Alliance

image of tidal turbine from Sabelle

Three leading tidal power developers joined forces in a tidal alliance at the OEE2020 conference, to show the world that tidal power is ready for the main stage. The players are Orbital Marine Power, SABELLA and Sustainable Marine Energy.

Tidal power has the benefit of being predictable - the strength and time periods for the tidal streams are well known. This enables the tidal power players to design and operate devices that are exactly dimensioned for the prevailing conditions, including electric transfer cables and land-based infrastructure.

Leading tidal players

Orbital Marine Power has developed a floating tidal power device which has produced several GWh in Orkney waters. The company is now constructing a larger device for better efficiency and increased power generation. The new 2 MW tidal power turbine will be the largest in the world and will be set in operation in 2020.

The French company SABELLA is partner in the PHARES project. The Ushant Island’s CO2 emissions will be reduced by 80% by mostly substituting diesel generators with renewable energy from two tidal stream turbines, solar panels and a wind turbine coupled to an energy storage system. SABELLA tidal stream turbine of 1 MW, D10-1000 has already been operating in the Fromveur passage and grid-connected to the 800 inhabitants Ushant Island off grid network.

Sustainable Marine Energy is now delivering the first commercial array in Bay of Fundy, Canada, using technology developed and supplied by a number of European companies. Bay of Fundy has up to 50 feet tidal range. When completed, the project will deliver a total of 9 MW of capacity from two different berths.

Ocean Energy Europe

Ocean Energy Europe is the largest network of ocean energy professionals in the world. Over 120 organisations, including Europe’s leading utilities, industrialists and research institutes, trust Ocean Energy Europe to represent the interests of Europe's ocean energy sector.

The OEE2020 conference will be held in Brussels 1-2 December. The conference is an excellent meeting place for anybody with interest in marine energy.

Maritime Hydrogen and Marine Energy Conference

The 5th International Conference on Maritime Hydrogen and Marine Energy will take place 14-15 October 2020 as a digital event. The conference brings together world-leading players in the fields of maritime hydrogen technology and marine renewable energy.

Both Orbital Marine Power and SABELLA will give keynote presentations at the conference. The two leading Norwegian clusters GCE Ocean Technology and Ocean Hyway Cluster co-organise the conference.

Early Bird tickets with a 50% discount are available before 1 July 2020.

We welcome you to register for the conference.

Contact Information

Thea Båtevik

Project Manager Renewables

Thea Båtevik

Maritime Energy and Marine Energy

The 5th International Conference on Maritime Hydrogen and Marine Energy will take place 14-15 October 2020 as a digital event.

The conference brings together world-leading players in the fields of maritime hydrogen technology and marine renewable energy.

Read more and register