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FourPhase Contributes with Equipment to the Health Sector

Due to the corona outbreak, it is difficult for the health sector to procure enough infection protection equipment, both nationally and internationally.

Technology and equipment from our cluster could help during Covid-19 and the health sector is asking suppliers or companies to contact them.

What is most urgent now is respiratory protection - ie masks and the like according to Norway Health Tech.

Anyone with products and solutions that can meet the immediate urgent needs of the Norwegian health service can send an email directly to

FourPhase Donates to Haukeland

-We are very grateful to see our company come together during these extraordinary COVID days. Yesterday we were able to contribute to our heroes in the healthcare system by donating consumable coveralls. It is our way of saying thanks for their incredible efforts, states cluster member FourPhase in a Linked-in post this week.

We encourage suppliers to check your storages and contact Sykehusinnkjøp if you can.

We join FourPhase in thanking everyone in the health sector for their invaluable efforts during this difficult time.

Contact Information

Kjersti Boge Christensen

Communication Manager

Kjersti Boge Christensen

We Help

GCE Ocean Technology are here to help our members in this precarious situation with Covid-19.

As a cluster, it is now, more than ever time to give and get help in our cluster community.

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