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Petroleum Research Creates Huge Value

Learn about key challenges highlighted in the Norwegian petroleum technology strategy (OG21) and how petroleum research created huge value for Norway: Join our Subsea Innovation Day 28 April in Bergen.

A report published earlier this year, shows that Norwegian petroleum research gives 30 times its investment back to the government in increased value creation.

The report is written by Rystad Energy on behalf of The Research Council of Norway and evaluates the 4.8 billion NOK in petroleum funding in the period 2008-2018.

Read more about the report.

OG21 to Subsea Innovation Day

At the Subsea Innovation Day our programme is focused around technology challenges seen from the major players in the industry and the aim is to establish joint RDI projects. We will use the plans for the SFI Smart Ocean and Centre for Deep Sea Innovation, as a starting point for identifying new opportunities and establishing joint RDI projects.

Kjetil Skaugset, who is heading the OG21 - TTA 4 Production, processing and transport will present the OG21 strategy. Skaugset is also Senior Advisor Technology Management at Equinor.

Digitalisation is identified as a key technology to enable automatisation, autonomy and ICT for all technology disciplines. This includes data gathering, handing, quality, integration, safety and decision support.

We are also pleased to announce that there will be presentations from Repsol, ConocoPhillips, Deep Ocean, Knowit, Aker Solutions, The Petroleum Safety Authority, NORWEP and The Oil & Gas Technology Centre.

Send Proposals

We are open for more proposal for presentation to be given at the event and we will prioritise presentation posting concreated challenges, invitations to joint projects and knowledge sharing.

Preliminary programme for Subsea Innovation Day.

Information Meeting about R&D funding

The Research Council of Norway will hold an information meeting in Bergen 12 March that will cover programmes and RDI funding opportunities within petroleum, renewable energy and low emission technology. 800 million NOK are available within these programmes with application deadline this autumn.

GCE Ocean Technology offer pre-project funding to establish consortiums, concepts and applications.

Read more about the event and sign up.

Contact Information

Jon O. Hellevang

R&D Manager

Jon O. Hellevang


The OG21 strategy sets direction for public funded petroleum research in Norway, and it influences R&D plans and activities in the petroleum industry, in research institutes and in universities.

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