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Aker BP Keynote on Digital Technology at UTC

Illustration: ©AkerBP Field of the Future
Illustration: ©AkerBP Field of the Future

Aker BP will present how they see technology as an enabler for value creation at UTC Selected Topics 18 November.

UTF and GCE Ocean Technology are happy to announce Camilla Leon, VP Projects- Subsea Alliance Aker BP, as keynote speaker at UTC Selected Topics, to be held as a digital conference 18 November after lunch.

Technology as an Enabler for Value Creation

Leon shares her perspective on the importance of technology as one of the enablers for value creation in their assets.

Throughout the presentation she will touch on two main themes:

1) How Aker BP are identifying Field Development Needs for our assets. The main challenges on a portfolio level are:

  • smaller targets
  • tighter reservoir
  • long distances; and
  • more complex reservoir fluid systems

2) The technology themes identified by Aker BP supporting the field development needs of their assets. Leon will focus on digital technologies supporting unmanned and remotely operated concepts, value driven automated inspection and testing, as well as data driven operations and subsea/downhole processing to maximize uptime and capacity.

Camilla Leon, VP Projects- Subsea Alliance at Aker BP

Leon will also share some examples from our current areas of technology development and application, where control from shore is one of the examples.

Control from Shore

Much progress has already been made on this area and Leon will talk about the experience from Ivar Aasen, being the first manned platform in Norway to be controlled from shore.

The results are record high production efficiency, cooperation across disciplines as well as the basis for evaluating the possibility of partly unmanned operations. This is an important step towards Aker BP’s vision for the Field of the Future.

20 Interesting Presentations

Over 150 abstracts were submitted to the Underwater Technology Conference (UTC) 2020.

We have selected 20 of them within the following selected topics:

  • Field of the future
  • Boosting
  • All-electric
  • SURF / Operations
  • Digitalisation
  • Low carbon / Technology transfer

This will include presentations from Equinor, Aker BP, Total, BP, OneSubsea, Subsea 7, Baker Hughes, Aker Solutions, DNV GL and many more.

Go to full program

We will have a live Q&A feature for you to submit questions to the presenters during the event. The event will have three parallel sessions making it as compact as possible for most of the subsea world to follow the event online between 13:30 – 17:00 CET, 18 November.

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UTC Selected Topics is organised in collaboration with UTF and is supported by SPE and FFU:


Contact Information

Jon O. Hellevang

R&D Manager

Jon O. Hellevang

The Underwater Technology Conference (UTC) has a well-known history of presenting highly competent speakers on current and important topics for the subsea industry.

UTC has been arranged in Bergen Norway since 1980 and is hosted by UTF (Underwater Technology foundation) and GCE Ocean Technology.

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