Rystad Energy presents Report on Marine Minerals Potential

Rystad Energy will present a report on the Norwegian value creation potential from marine minerals in a webinar 20. November.
The report focuses on the following key topics: Global energy transition trends, existing metals value chains, introduction to marine minerals, production concepts and senarios and time criticality.
How to join: See the programme and join the webinar here: https://norog.kg5.no/
The event will be given in Norwegian. No need to sign up - the webinar will appear at the link mentioned above starting 10:00 CET.
The webinar will be recorded and you will be able to watch the recording at a later stage.
Marine Minerals are Supporting the Energy Transition
The global energy transition is fuelling the growth of new value chains like batteries, renewable and electric infrastructure. The rapid growth of these industries will require a significantly higher supply of minerals in the coming decades.
The demand for metals will increase in correlation to society’s combat for climate change. Onshore mines are challenged by controversial working conditions and put severe stress on resources and the environment. A low carbon future requires additional metals supply, which can be provided by marine minerals.
Norway in a Unique Position
The world’s spreading ridges host massive sulfides containing especially copper, cobalt and zinc. After Fiji, Norway is the country with economic rights to most of these ridges.
Much of the technology and competence needed for extracting marine minerals can be found within the oil and gas industry which gives Norway a strong competitive advantage over its peers.
With the establishment of a Norwegian marine mineral legislation in 2019, in addition to the 2018-2020 resource mapping performed by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, Norway is well positioned for the next and crucial steps towards a marine minerals industry with both great export and domestic value creation potential.
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About the report
This report is the first attempt to quantify the Norwegian value creation potential of marine mineral.
The report is ordered by: