Hywind Tampen – With a Little Help from their Friends

With a little help from their friends; Equinor is developing the world’s first floating offshore wind farm to supply renewable power to offshore oil and gas installations.
The Norwegian offshore industry is collaborating to make Hywind Tampen, the world’s largest floating wind farm a success.
More than 50% of the contractors at Hywind Tampen are Norwegian companies, which shows that the supplier industry in Norway are positioning themselves in this new and potentially big, international market.
Creating a Test Environment
In addition to reducing the yearly carbon footprint with 200.000 ton CO2, the wind farm will also function as a test environment for development of offshore floating wind, seeking to mature the technology, reduce costs and improve integration of systems.
A successful Hywind Tampen will result in the rise of the floating offshore wind industry and contribute to a low carbon-society.
Equinor plans to partly supply the installations Gullfaks A, B, C and Snorre A and B with renewable energy and Hywind Tampen will be installed offshore Norway, west of the city Bergen.
- This will cut CO2 emissions by approximately 200.000 tons, and NOx emissions by 1000 tons annually, explained Olav-Bernt Haga, Project Director Hywind Tampen from Equnior during our webinar; Offshore Wind Conference “Science meets Industry" this week.
Opening of Production Facility
1 October, the Norwegian Prime Minister, Erna Solberg officially opened the Kvaerner Stord production facility of the eleven concrete sub-structures to be used for Hywind Tampen.
Erik Stormyr, Project Manager at Kvaerner, was also present at our webinar this week to present how the project execution evolved.
-Hywind Tampen is an important strategic breakthrough for Kvaerner and DOF Subsea, said Stormyr who went on to explain that this is the first offshore marine concrete job, won in 29 years.
Kvaerner and DOF Subsea have established a 50:50 joint venture partnership in the company KDS, to provide support services for the Hywind Tampen Project.
To be Continued
Together with Bergen Offshore Wind Centre, UiB and NORCE, GCE Ocean Technology presents the Offshore Wind Conference “Science meets Industry” (SMI) anually.
This year’s conference was divided into one digital event and one physical event due to Covid-19.
The digital session gathered some of the players contributing to Hywind Tampen on September 29th with the theme; Hywind Tampen, technical challenges and solutions.
Download the presentations from the event
The physical event will be organised at a later stage and will cover topics like society, politics regarding offshore wind as well as updates from academia.
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Hywind Tampen
The Hywind Tampen involves:
- 11 wind turbines – the world’s largest floating wind farm
- Total capacity of 88MW. Will provide about 35% of the annual power required by the five platforms Snorre A and B and Gullfaks A, B and C. The project will give CO2-reductions of 200,000 tons CO2 annually.
- Enova has granted the project 2.3 billion NOK in financial support
- The wind farm is set to be a test environment for further development of offshore floating wind with testing of new and bigger wind turbines, new installation methods, simplified mooring, concrete constructions and integration of power systems for both gas and wind.
Photo © Equinor