Funding for Innovation Projects

Innovation Norway still has significant amounts of funding available to support innovation projects and counteracting the effects from Covid-19.
A record high amount of money was announced earlier this year for innovation and restructuring of industries counteracting the negative economic effect of Covid-19 and reduced oil prices.
Especially three new support possibilities are highlighted:
- Funding for commercialization. More money available and more money per project
- Extraordinary innovation funding for 2020
- Innovation load
There is still significant amounts of funding left and we can help you apply for this funding.
Read an overview of all measures from Innovation Norway.
We Help You Secure Funding
GCE Ocean Technology provides financial and professional support and advice for free, to establish externally funded RDI projects for our partners and members.
So far, we have succeeded in helping cluster companies in securing more than 1.7 Billion NOK in external funded projects owned and run by our partner- and member companies.
Please do not hesitate to contact Gisle Nondal or Jon Hellevang at an early stage to see how we can contribute.
Learn more about our measures to help the cluster during Covid-19.
Contact Information

Eelume, ProAnalysis and IOR Norway have each received 175.000 NOK in pre-project funding this year from GCE Ocean Technology and we invite our cluster members to apply.