Havkraft is New Member of GCE Ocean Technology

Havkraft has developed a flexible, modular wave energy system that can power anything from small coastal projects to entire cities and industrial areas with renewable wave energy. Their key to success is longevity, scalability, power- and cost-efficiency.
Our new cluster member Havkraft is building a large-scale pilot of their Powerpier-system with support from Innovation Norway. The company has partnered with two established Norwegian industrial firms, Marina Solutions and Ulstein Betong Marine, in order to get their Havkraft Wave Energy Converter (H-WEC) technology out into the world.
Havkraft now address the fish-farming industry, ports and marinas in Norway to tailor solutions for their requirements. As long as there are waves at site, Havkraft can tailor a solution to harvest them to the benefit of their clients.
– Not only will the Havkraft Wave Energy Converter contribute with short-travelled, environmental-friendly and sustainable energy, but many projects will also prosper through many other benefits. In example; it is possible to make a “self-financing” solution with a floating pier, as an alternative to a costly and traditional stone filled pier. A floating pier will have a cash-flow from the pier that contributes to the down-payment of the installation, says Geir Arne Solheim CEO and Founder of Havkraft
Scalable Wave Power
– To be able to convert wave power into electricity the converter needs to be placed on the ocean surface, this is where most energy is available, says Solheim.
– We capture the waves in several chambers, both small, medium, and large waves in the same design and that’s very efficient. Our system is independent of both carrier and materials, making it the most flexible and efficient wave energy converter in the business, he adds.
Havkraft’s technology offers both small-scale solutions and large-scale solutions. The small, simple, clean and efficient converter units are smart, because their size makes them functional, affordable and accessible for all coastal operations, according to Solheim.
– These converters could help coastal projects and communities to operate in a cleaner and more affordable way according to UN’s sustainability goal no. 7: Affordable and Clean Energy.
The converters are modules that can be placed in arrays to form bigger power generating systems (se article picture) and even in large energy parks.
I have been in the wave energy business for nearly 23 years, and I am not in this game to make a product, but to make a difference, says Geir Arne Solheim, CEO and Founder of Havkraft.
– If you install several Powerpier-systems in the same grid, entire cities and industrial areas can be powered by local and renewable wave energy resources. We have a couple of initiatives abroad on such applications, says Solheim.
Tailored Solutions
All of Havkraft’s solutions can be connected either off-grid or to a local or national grid. Their solutions are solving clean power demands for fish farming, powering piers and marinas and can electrify offshore operations.
Furthermore, the combination between wave power and reversed osmosis is perfect for any coastal region that has a need to convert ocean water to drinking water. Hydrogen-production is of course an important part of the future application for the Havkraft Wave Energy Converter.
Why Cluster
When we ask Solheim why they have chosen to become a member of GCE Ocean Technology, he quickly replies “Trond”. And although it is said with a smile, it is no secret that Havkraft’s long term relations with GCE Ocean Technology’s Trond Strømgren is solid.
– We have been interacting with Trond for a long time, and finally we are at a stage where we are ready to take full advantage of a membership in GCE Ocean Technology. Being a start-up for a long period of time requires patience and a lot of goodwill, and we have gotten a lot of goodwill from Trond and GCE Ocean Technology over the years. For that we are very grateful. Now we look forward to becoming a part of the Norwegian green maritime revolution that is about to happen over the next few years, where GCE Ocean Technology can be an important partner, hub and accelerator for us and other players, Solheim ends.
Contact Information
Kjersti Boge Christensen
Communication Manager

Geir Arne Solheim has been in the wave energy business since the nineties, and in 2009 he started Havkraft AS.
He has invented the Havkraft Wave Energy Converter (H-WEC) and patented the solution world-wide in 2012.
The company has gathered a solid ownership structure and a complete value chain of suppliers and partners.
Havkraft tailor solutions for all kinds of projects that has access to wave power as an option for electrification.