Up to NOK 16 Million NOK for Demonstration Projects

The Research Council of Norway accepts applications for demonstration projects within petroleum and now also, from the maritime industry like green shipping and land-based food and bioresources.
A demonstration project in the business sector (IPD) should strengthen the business community's own commitment to demonstrating new technology for applications with high socio-economic benefits. Furthermore, the projects should contribute to securing Norwegian competence, jobs, value creation and a competitive industry.
The Research Council of Norway can support projects with up to 16 million NOK and a total of NOK 120 million NOK is available.
Pilot and Demonstrate New Technology
There is no application deadline for demonstration projects, but the application must be sent in no later than mid-April 2021 if the plan is to start the project before the summer.
Applicants are Norwegian companies, which, through the project collaborate with other companies or players in the value chain, preferably end users or potential customers. The project needs to pilot and demonstrate new technology for use nationally and for sale in international markets.
The goal is to stimulate companies to make greater investments in demonstration and verification of technology, which in turn contributes to innovation and sustainable value creation.
Read in example about this project from the petroleum sector: Investing big with "green pump".
What You Get
This is the first time the Research Council of Norway has announced a demonstration projec outside of the petroleum sector.
By carrying out a demonstration projects supported through the Research Council of Norway, you get:
- Risk relief to invest in new technology and bring it to market
- Competitive advantage in the area / in the industry by being able to deliver the most modern solutions to customers
- Faster value creation in companies from research results and technology development by making results and technology commercially available
For industrial projects that are to carry out extensive research activity, Innovation projects in the business sector will be more relevant.
Read more and apply for demonstration projects
GCE Ocean Technology Helps You Apply
GCE Ocean Technology provides financial and professional support and advice for free, to establish externally funded RDI projects for our partners and members.
So far, we have succeeded in helping cluster companies in securing more than 1.7 Billion NOK in external funded projects owned and run by cluster companies.
If you would like our help with regards to a demonstration project please contact Jon O. Hellevang.
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