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New EU Network for the Ocean Industries

GCE Ocean Technology and several other clusters are part of the new EU network "Ocean of Opportunities" led by the University of Bergen.

The network will facilitate several EU applications in research and innovation in the maritime industries (petroleum, marine renewable energy and the maritime sector) through the Horizon Europe program.

The network will have its geographical center in Western Norway, with Energiomstilling Vest (EOV) as a central partner. The clusters Maritime CleanTechNorwegian Offshore Wind Cluster and GCE Ocean Technology will provide a strong access point towards the business sector.

The aim is to connect the value chains in the maritime industries with representatives from business, the public sector and research institutions nationally and internationally.

Important Norwegian industries such as the petroleum industry and the maritime industry are facing a major restructuring. "Research-based innovation will play an important role in the restructuring that is now underway", says energy director Kristin Guldbrandsen Frøysa, who, together with project manager Cecilie Evjen from IFT, is behind the establishment of the program.

The Research Council of Norway has allocated funding for the network for three years from August 2021.

EU Advisor

Karianne Kojen Andersen is EU Advisor in GCE Ocean Technology and part of the project team in the new EU network Ocean of Opportunities.

Moreover, she supports the partners and members of GCE Ocean Technology regarding EU issues.

Karianne holds a Masters degree in European relations from NTNU and Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, and has broad experience from working with EU funding and EU policy both in Brussels and Norway.