Horizon Europe Work Programmes Adopted

The European Commission has finally adopted the Horizon Europe work programmes 2021-2022, and in the coming weeks there are several EU related events we recommend for those interested in EU funding.
The European Commission has adopted the main work programme of Horizon Europe for the period 2021-2022. The programme outlines the objectives and topic areas that will receive a share of €14.7 billion in funding.
The investment is intended to accelerate the green and digital transitions as well as contributing to a sustainable recovery from the pandemic. The first Horizon Europe calls will support and complement initiatives and programmes including the European Green Deal, the European Research Area, Europe's Digital Decade and NextGenerationEU.
Learn more and find the work programme here.
The first calls from the programme will launch in the EU Funding and Tenders’ Portal on 22 June 2021.
Several Horizon Europe Events Coming Up
First up are the EU R&I Days on 23-24 June, where more details about the calls will be shared.
The European Commission is also arranging Horizon Europe Info Days and Brokerage Events for each of the thematic clusters of Horizon Europe. The 10-day event will give prospective applicants and other stakeholders of EU research and innovation the opportunity to get information and ask questions about main funding instruments, processes of Horizon Europe and what is new.
The Horizon Europe Info days will be open for participation without prior registration (except for Cluster 3 - Civil Security for Society).
In addition, there are brokerage events for all thematic clusters, where you can pitch your project idea and meet possible partners. These events require registration in advance: