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Ocean, Space and Water Week

Photo by Prototech - now Clara Venture Labs
Bernt Skeie, CEO of Clara Venture Labs (previously Prototech) will be one of the speakers from our cluster at the BlueTech Week. Photo by Clara Venture Labs.

Clara Venture Labs, Aker Offshore Wind, SINTEF, NTNU, 4Subsea and TechnipFMC are all represented on the agenda when water, ocean and space is to be discussed at the digital BlueTech Week.

Press release from TMA BlueTech

SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA (NOVEMBER 3, 2021) TMA BlueTech will host its 13th annual signature event, BlueTech Week from November 15-19, 2021.

This packed five-day, 100% virtual event, will gather renowned speakers, panelists, senior policy makers, innovative technology companies and hundreds of international participants to address the toughest water and ocean challenges of our time.

Monday, Nov. 15 is the annual invitation-only BlueTech Cluster Day moderated by Craig McLean, Asst Administrator for Oceanic & Atmospheric Research & Acting Chief Scientist, NOAA.

Tuesday, Nov. 16 features the Earth Observing track moderated by Dr. James Green, Chief Scientist at NASA with a keynote by Dr. Paula Bontempi, Dean, Graduate School of Oceanography University of Rhode Island, and Blue Economy Workforce of Tomorrow track with a keynote by Dr. Shashi Kumar – Deputy Assoc. Administrator & Natl Coordinator Maritime Education/Training, MARAD.

Wednesday’s BlueTech Summit: Day 1 (Nov. 17) commences with a keynote from John Bell, Director Healthy Planet, DG Research & Innovation at European Commission, followed by Space Applications and Healthy Planet tracks.

Thursday’s BlueTech Summit: Day 2 (Nov. 18) will start with a special message from the U.S. Secretary of Commerce, The Honorable Gina Raimondo followed by a keynote from Dr. Rick Spinrad, NOAA Administrator with two following tracks Offshore Renewable Energy and Water Innovation.

Friday, Nov. 19 will be Blue Economy Policy Day with keynote from Monica Medina – AssT. Secretary for Bureau of Oceans & International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, U.S. Dept. Of State.

Registration is open and TMA BlueTech welcomes all those interested in the nexus of ocean, water, and space looking to learn, network with potential customers and partners, and to think about the future of the ocean and water cycle. To see the agenda/speakers & register please visit

Dr. Richard Malatesta – TMA BlueTech Program Manager

About TMA BlueTech™

TMA BlueTech is the member-based organizer of a leading U.S. BlueTech cluster and one of the largest in the world. We believe that organized, regional BlueTech clusters (“Think global, act regional”) are the best way to explore and protect ocean and water resources. BlueTech companies create the technology to understand problems and develop solutions to address them. TMA brings education, policy, and technology resources together to promote innovation and economic development in the Blue Economy

BlueTech Cluster Alliance

GCE Ocean Technology is part of the BlueTech Cluster Alliance (BTCA) to open new markets for our cluster.

The BlueTech Cluster Alliance (BTCA) is a global network of industry-led BlueTech clusters that are committed to collaboration, developing joint-projects, promoting each other's member companies, and sharing information.